
Ways to Make Money Online with Refban URL Shrotener

Ways to Make Money Online with Refban URL Shrotener

Dear Friend,

If you have blog, website and social network accounts, you can easily make money online with refban url shortener.  Url Shroteners take users to a new window and shows ad for 5 seconds and return to the url of your content, when the users click the urls in your social network account, website or blog. You make money for allowing the url shortners to show ad for 5 seconds before going to your website, webpage or blog.

You make money online as for the number of view your refban links gets. you can make money around 4$-8$ per 1000 unique views. The amount of money you can make with your Refban links depends on where the people who click your Refban links are located. URL shorteners can also be used to shorten long URLs (please also note that you may shorten virtually any URL you want to, the URL does not have to be long!).

Ways to Make Money Online with Refban URL Shrotener
Ways to Make Money Online with Refban URL Shrotener


Make Money Online with Refban:

Refban is a website which allows you to shorten your URL. Whenever someone opens the short url, there is a 5 second frame which shows an ad. The timing is very short and thus majority of the people using this service don’t mind the wait in return for using the system. If you have problems with Refban links being blocked in certain sites (ex. Facebook), you can use Refban shortener here.

Benefits of Refban:

· Traffic is targeted by country.
· Make Money easily 4$-8$ per 1000 unique views.
· Your Links help you make money online.

Payments Limits on Refban:

The average rate of pay is $4.00 per thousand clicks. $4.00 may sound small, but just think for a second. Over 500 million people use Facebook on a daily basis. If you could get even a small portion of Facebook users to click on your links, you could be earning a tidy amount of money.

Payments on Refban:

Refban has an easy to reach payment threshold, so once you have earned $5.00 on your Refban account, your earnings will automatically be paid into your PayPal or Payoneer account. If you don't have a PayPal or Payoneer account don't despair, they're both free to join and simple to use. 

Where to Get Traffic for Refban:

A great way to attract lots of users to click on your links is to set up a Facebook group. Many of these groups have more than a million users - so if you get your thinking cap on, you can make good money very quickly! You can also make more money by making videos and post them to Youtube and leave a link in the description. You can also earn much money by bringing referrals.

Facebook- Millions of people use Facebook every day, so Facebook is the best way to post your links and publish them.
Twitter- Get some followers on twitter and post your links there so your followers can click on these links.
Youtube- You can also use Youtube.com for your links by uploading videos.
Pinterest- Publish pictures of popular content with links of your website.
Make a Website- You can make a free website (blog or free Google site) and post your links on the website with your content.
Ask your Friends- Ask your friends to follow the links on your website.
Use Forums- Write posts or comments on forums to promote your links and website.
Bring Referrals- Referrals can really boost your earnings. You will receive 20% of their earnings and 5% from the money they spend on advertising with Refban.

Think of these before Going for Refban:

· If your users don’t like it, you loose your users.
· Your links are replaced by their url.
· Affects Social Bookmarking.


Other Url Shorteners to Make Money Online:

· adf.ly
· Bit.ly
In this Ways to Make Money Online with Refban URL Shroteners, you have learnt:

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